
Resources about Galah Care

  Anyone who owns a galah will tell you what a joy they are to have in the household, but they are NOT easy pets to keep. They are picky eaters, hyperactive and unpredictable. I put together a few resources that i found useful when I got Bingo. They help provide the best care for your bird which will lead to the best relationship that you can have. It is absolutely important to read and watch videos about the bird before you even THINK of buying one! Simple guide to galah care Galahs fact sheet Galah Q&A by Birdtricks 4 ways to stop parrots from biting Do galahs make good first birds? My favorite parrot training channel Why cockatoos make terrible pets! (NEW!) This is just a short list of resources which i will keep building up on and your contributions will help as well. I will also try to put together more focused resources in different posts.